Implementation of measures to ensure national security

Expert and analytical studies in the field of national security.

An important area of activity of the SRI FRCEC is the implementation of the powers of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation aimed at ensuring the national security of the country, as well as conducting

In order to provide information for these areas, the research activities of state educational institutions of higher education are monitored on topics aimed at ensuring national security and supporting developments in the field of dual technologies, the results of research and development work applied to ensure the national security of the Russian Federation. Special scientific and technical expert examinations are organized and conducted to assess the quality of research and development work in the interests of public authorities.

Thus the following main tasks are solved:

  • development and presentation of expert-analytical, scientific-methodical and information materials with the aim of providing forecasting and long-term planning of problem-oriented research and development in the interests of developing military and dual-use technologies, innovative products and improving scientific and technical policy in the field of defense research;
  • identification of promising areas for the development of dual-use technologies in the interests of justifying the military-technical policy of the Russian Federation for the future, involving the expert community;
  • organizing and conducting monitoring of research activities of state educational institutions of higher education on subjects aimed at ensuring national security;
  • organizational and methodological support of state scientific and technical expert examination in the interests of the power ministries and departments of the Russian Federation and the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation;
  • production of special scientific and technical expert examination at the request of judicial and investigative bodies of Russia, federal executive bodies, authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation, as well as economic entities;
  • exchange of information on R&D results between the leading scientific and educational organizations of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and scientific organizations of the Ministry of Defense of Russia in order to increase R&D effectiveness for military purposes and its use in civil developments;
  • interaction with scientists from the Federal Roster of Experts of the Scientific and Technological Sphere by requesting expert opinions, analytical reports and explanatory notes on problem-oriented areas in the scientific and technical sphere related to military and dual-use technologies;
  • information and analytical support of the Scientific and Technical Council of the Military-Industrial Commission of the Russian Federation according to the state and forecast of the development of the scientific and technical potential of leading foreign countries.

To perform all these works the Center for Special Programs and Projects is formed in the structure of SRI FRCEC. The Institute has a license of Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation on the implementation of works related to the use of information constituting a state secret.