
Collection of scientific papers «Innovation and expert examination», published by the SRI FRCEC since 2007, is aimed at solving problems of generalization of results of research works done by researchers, analysts and experts, as well as problems of exchange of scientific and technological information, identifying the priority directions of development of domestic and world science and technology, setting and finding solutions to critical issues related to scientific and innovation activity, expert examination, consulting, assessment and protection of intellectual property, accounting, and promotion of scientific achievements of Russia.

The collection is a printed periodical published twice a year, and since July 2013, registered as mass media – electronic publications on the Internet (Certificate El No. FS77-54818 of 26 July 2013 )

The collection «innovation and expert examination» is included in the national bibliographic database of scientific citation.

The collection is also included in the catalogue of periodicals Ulrich Web Periodicals Directory.

Since 2019, the collection has been registered in the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) system.

The materials of the collection can be useful for managers of research organizations, including specializing in the development of innovative products for professionals in the field of management of research and innovation activities, as well as for University teachers, postgraduates and students.

Nuclear medicine: physics, equipment, technology: study guide

A.V. Khmelev


The purpose of the training manual is to present materials for studying the physical, technical and technological aspects of nuclear medicine. These materials have been accumulated, analyzed and systematized for many years of scientific and pedagogical activity of the author in the field of technical physics, medical physics and nuclear medicine. They accumulate scientific and practical results of the work of leading foreign and domestic nuclear medicine institutions.

ISBN 978-5-7262-2498-5

© Хмелев А.В., 2018